Submitting your music for playlist consideration

Getting featured in the right playlist can really give your release a head start. Read the guide below to learn how to pitch your music to Spotify and Amazon!


Pitching new music for Spotify playlisting is done through Spotify for Artists, via their website or their app. If you haven’t already claimed your Spotify for Artists profile, check out our separate guide on this topic.

This is how you submit your music for playlist consideration:

  1. Log in to your Spotify for Artists account via or via the app
  2. Go to ‘Music’ and click on the ‘Upcoming’ tab where you can find your unreleased music
  3. Fill out all the required information in order to pitch the release. The more information you can provide, the higher the chance of your song being picked up! 

Some important things to keep in mind:

  • Don't wait until the last minute to submit your music. Get your music delivered on time so the Spotify editors have enough time to listen to your music.
  • When you see the status 'Available Soon', this means Spotify is still processing your release. This can take up to a few days.
  • Submitting a pitch at least 7 days before it comes out will get your song on your followers’ Release Radar playlist.
  • You can still edit your pitch up to release day, but there is no guarantee the Spotify editors will see the latest changes.
  • The Spotify editors might pick a different song from your release for a playlist.
  • You can’t pitch a song if you are credited as a featured artist.
  • Pitching doesn’t guarantee an immediate playlist placement. If your song doesn’t get picked up right away, it may still get discovered at a later stage.
  • If your song gets added to a playlist, you will be notified via email. You can also check the ‘Playlists’ tab in Spotify for Artists after your release has gone live to see which playlists it has been added to.

Make sure to check out our video tutorial below to see how it's done.


You can use Amazon Music for Artists to pitch your new music. Read all about claiming your Amazon Music for Artists profile in this guide. Once you have access to this account, you can proceed with pitching your new music.

  • Log in to your account via
  • Once your music has been delivered via Make Waves, it will appear under 'New Releases'
  • Pick a song to pitch. You can pitch one song per release. Which track would your fans love most?
  • Craft your pitch. Tell the Amazon team more about the track so they can help new fans discover you.
  • Submit it. The earlier the better! You can pitch a track as soon as it has been delivered by Make Waves and up to 14 days after release.
  • Optional: add an intro to your track. Amazon Music for Artists lets you upload an audio file (any MP3, MP4 or M4A file up to 5MB and 15s long) that contains a message to the listeners. This is what they will hear before your selected song or album is played.

More information on how to promote and pitch your track using Amazon Music for Artists can be found here.

Last updated in May 2024
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